
  • Aenean pulvinar, nisi vitae

    Cras nec lorem eget ligula varius aliquet at et mi. Fusce id quam in justo suscipit porta. Fusce non nisl nunc, id vestibulum augue. Donec interdum sapien vitae sem condimentum vel adipiscing leo consequat. In quis nisi sed velit lobortis congue in vulputate risus. Aliquam molestie, risus sed congue ullamcorper, mauris lacus volutpat mauris, nec luctus est risus in libero.

  • Carol Smith

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus lacinia sem sed sem lobortis viverra.

  • Cras nec lorem eget

    Cras nec lorem eget ligula varius aliquet at et mi. Fusce id quam in justo suscipit porta. Fusce non nisl nunc, id vestibulum augue. Donec interdum sapien vitae sem condimentum vel adipiscing leo consequat. In quis nisi sed velit lobortis congue in vulputate risus. Aliquam molestie, risus sed congue ullamcorper, mauris lacus volutpat mauris, nec luctus est risus in libero.

  • Module Chrome

    This template comes with built in module style / chrome that can be used to implement core Bootstrap component functionality like tabbed layouts, sliders, modal windows and even the pop over display.


    Granular control over module style

    One of the key features of Joomla 3.0 is the ability to assign modules a specific module chrome.

    Prior to Joomal 3.0 each module position was required to have the module style hard coded into the template. There were certain workarounds available for doing this in versions prior to Joomla 3.0 but workarounds to Joomla always come at a cost.


    Assigning a new module chrome to a module.

    Assigning a new module style to a module is as simple as selecting a style from the drop down list in the module manager.

    1. In your module manager edit the moduel you want to assign the new chrome to.

    2. Click on the Advanced options tab

    3. Scroll down the page and select the module style from the select list.

    4. Click apply.


    Module style examples

    The following module styles are available in this template.

    • zendefault - A default module chrome
    • zentabs - a tabbed interface
    • zenslider - use the module title to slide open or closed a module
  • Solid template framework

    Zen to the power of T3.

    This template is built on the powerful T3 template framework.

    T3 adds a new dimension to controlling and creating flexibile layouts for responsive Joomla templates and combined with the minimalism of our previous Zen Grid Framework templates, it's a combination that is hard to beat.

    T3 offers an incredible amount of control and flexibility. With it's easy to use drag and drop interface, the way you control what goes where in your website just got a whole lot easier.


    Key features of the T3 framework:

    • Drag and drop templating interface
    • Theme Magic interface for creating your own template style
    • Less compiled templating system which enables you to do more with less code.
    • High performance front and back end 
    • Built on Bootstrap to seamlessly work with other bootstrap based Joomla extensions
    • Complete control over module positions and module position names
    • Extended module chrome to leverage Bootstrap native functions such as sliders, tabs, modals and more.



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E-post: malin@schavenius.no

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